20.02.23 - Information Design

Information Design

Nigel Holmes

  • Shows range of data 
  • Shows relationships and patterns in data
  • Not good for showing tiny details
  • Commonly used as supporting item
  • Nigel Holmes - does graphical graphs (see image)
  • Tells a story through visual means
  • A map is a diagram
  • Shows geography
  • Dr John Snow
    Not always good for showing data and specific location
  • Used at the start of articles and books
  • Dr John Snow's cholera Map helped detect where cholera came from
  • Dennis Wood Street Light Map, showed street lights and also where people put pumpkins on halloween (turns out these were the posh areas)

Dennis Wood
Dennis Wood Lights

Drawing of UOW drawing from memory to test spacial abilities...

UOW Drawing

  • Use of basic graphics with line drawing to help people build their items.

Carl Sagan

  • Pioneer 10 Probe Plaque - Carl Sagan - Line etchings on plaque, shows silhouette of the probe in order to give scale. Also shows map relating to the solar system.
  • Twitter diagram - David McCandless - coloured pictogram for web users, shows the proportions of twitter users in various scenarios.
Staged Diagrams - This to that...

David McCandless
