MAIN BRIEF - Questionnaire and Improvements (based from results)


I have made a questionnaire to aid my research and how I can improve my leaflet. This is the link: 


Making this questionnaire allowed me to get feedback from outside sources who have never seen the leaflet before. I have received some good feedback. Please see the feedback from the questionnaire below...

Forms response chart. Question title: Have you ever used a leaflet before?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Would you pick up this leaflet if you saw it on display?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: From the front cover, can you understand what this leaflet is about?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you like the colours that have been used in the design?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you like the illustrations and feel that they are effective and relevant?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you feel that the maps are useful for understanding where the rail stations are and the areas within the county?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: How likely are you to use the QR code included within the leaflet?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: After looking at this leaflet, would you say it has a modern, up to date appearance?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which age range do you think this leaflet is suited towards?. Number of responses: 14 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: After reviewing this leaflet, do you think it serves it's purpose of informing people about the rail trails and directing them to the website via the QR code?. Number of responses: 14 responses.


Analysis from questionnaire:

From my questionnaire, I was able to see that 100% of people taking the survey have used a leaflet before. The vast majority of people would pick the leaflet up and understand what it is about from the front cover. The colours I used have a positive impact along with the illustrations. 100% of people felt the leaflet was modern, which was one of my main aims. There was a range of ages that people believed the leaflet was for, which is good as I wanted this leaflet to appeal to different ages, however the most common answer was 25-39 year olds.

After reading some of the comments, I have noticed that a couple of people have confused the walking routes with using the train. This is something I will consider and fix.

Improvements based of the results of the questionnaire:

Following on from the feedback, I have decided to make some minor changes on the front cover just to reiterate what the leaflet was about. I have added the word 'walking' by Worcester and I have also changed the word navigate to walk, again just to reiterate what the leaflet is about.

Before                                            After

